- The Wellbeing@School team.

The Wellbeing@School website is designed to support schools to engage with the whole school community in a process of self-review.

The website provides access to practical evidence-based tools, resources, and services, a 5-step self-review process, and information about how to get started.

There are two toolkits to choose from. Both of these toolkits can be used by schools to confidentially store data, access data reports, find suggestions for next steps actions, and track changes over time.


Mā te tika o te toki o te tangere, me te tohu o te panaho, ka pai te tere o te waka i ngā momo moana katoa.

By designing and shaping the keel of the waka to perfection, your canoe will overcome obstacles.

Wellbeing@School Self-Review Toolkit


The W@S self review tools explore how different layers of school life contribute to creating a safe and caring climate that deters bullying.

Use this toolkit if your school wants to...

  • improve social wellbeing and relationships for all
  • create a safer climate that deters aggressive and bullying behaviour

select toolkit

Inclusive Practices Self-Review Toolkit


The Inclusive Practices Tools explore the extent to which school practices are inclusive of all students.

Use this toolkit if your school wants to...

  • think critically about, and improve the way your school includes all students, and in particular, those who have extra support needs

select toolkit