IPT Student Survey support guidelines
Greetings / Kia ora / Kia orana / Malo e lelei / Talofa lava
You have been asked to assist a student to fill out a Student Survey. Depending on the learning needs of the student you are supporting, they may need different types of assistance. These guidelines give you some ideas.
What is the survey about?
This survey is part of a set of surveys that asks different groups of people questions about how well the school supports them to learn and be included at school.
Who is answering the surveys?
There are three different surveys for:
- students
- parents, whānau and caregivers
- teachers and other people who work at school
These surveys help the school collect information from different groups of people.
Before you begin: Information about the survey
Before you begin, check that the student is comfortable with answering the questions with you and that they understand what the survey is for. You may want to read through the student information sheet with them or use this to tell them about the survey. Please tell the student that:
- The survey has 24 questions and should take about 10-15 minutes to fill in.
- This survey is voluntary: they do not have to fill it in if they do not want to.
- This survey is anonymous. Nobody will be able to tell that they filled in this survey.
- The information they give on the surveys will be kept confidential. It will be collected into reports to help the school think about better ways to help students.
It is important that you respect the student’s confidentiality and do not share their answers with other people.
Accessing the Student Survey
The student should have been given a copy of the survey.
Please support the student to fill in the survey and follow the process the school has set up to return the survey (e.g., in a drop box or by return envelope).
Please read through the instructions at the start of the survey with the student. These explain how to answer the survey. As you start the survey, ask the student to:
- Think about what the school is like this year when they are answering.
- Choose the answer that best fits their view of school.
- Try to answer every question.
You may want to read each question aloud to the student. The questions have been designed so that they are clear and easy to understand. However if needed, rephrase a question or use language or examples that are more familiar to the student.
Each question asks how much the student agrees or disagrees with a sentence.
Students can choose one of four answers:
Agree heaps Agree a lot
Agree a bit
Ask the student how much they agree with each question. You may want to read the different answers to the student, or use the smiley faces (You can print a copy of the faces below for the student to point to). You can also use other ways to show agreement (e.g., hand signals such as: Two thumbs up = Agree heaps; One thumb up = Agree a lot; Flat hand = Agree a bit; Thumbs down = Disagree).
If the student has extra comments about school, there is a space to add these at the end of the survey. Note that the things that are written here may be read by the school staff who are organising the survey.
Students do not have to answer all the questions if they do not want to. If any of the questions appear to make them uncomfortable, ask them if they want to talk about this with you or someone else such as a teacher they trust. If this happens, you may need to support the student to arrange a meeting with this person.
Copy of smiley faces: